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Goose Pärk, GiiipsonPoet

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The song came about when I was sitting around one day thinking about the old Madden soundtracks and how I should make an alternative rock beat. I went into Ableton to make the beat and began to hear the lyrics for the hook in my head. I recorded my hook and began writing the verse; I wanted this song to be powerful for all ages. I only had my hook and verse when I shared it with Giipson Poet, a local artist in my city, who loved the concept of the song and wanted to record a verse. Throughout the process, he noticed that I didn't have much passion in my verse. He helped me by giving me examples of how to better my delivery when recording my verses. GiiipsonPoet, also had the idea to include a bridge in the track. I went back to Ableton Live, copied the intro guitar, and added it after each of our verses to add another catchy melody to the track. After this process was done, the mixing process began which took about 2-3 days. We shared the song with a few people and we received great responses. We must say that this song is one for the books and should be enjoyed by all ages.